Lavender Tooth Protector Polish (Airless Pump)Whitener


Lavender 2oz
Lavender Airless pump
Tooth Protector Polish

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Lavender 2oz
Lavender Airless pump
Tooth Whitener/Protector

Camellia Lavender Tooth Whitener/ Protector Polish

Lavender has added microbial qualities.  It is a natural preservative in many products.  The formula for all my products is the Camellia Oil flavored with either Lavender, Peppermint or Spearmint,.  Camellia Oil have anti-oxident and Poly-phenol componants in the formjula.. Teeth whiten four or five shade bright/whiter than they were. More important you can use this product all day long and the more you use it the brighter your teeth become and the healthier your mouth feels.

I use this product in treatment during a cleaning and root planning.  Number one choice in reducing bacteria.  All my products whiten but most impotant soften the plaque that attaches to your teeth.  Plaque hardens and this prevents the hard tartar from attaching to your teeth.

A Healthy mouth produces a Brighter Smile




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