How to Start Caring for Your Gums at Home
Gum tissue is connected to the bone by fibers. You can achieve reattachment of these gum fibers by using a gentle massaging stroke with a soft brush. So, using the side of a small-headed, soft toothbrush that has a dab of herbal toothpaste on it, gently massage the tissue with a shimmying sideto-side stroke. Such massage stimulates circulation, which aids healing in the gum tissue. Using a massage stroke with a soft brush will help you bring the healing blood cells of the gums to the surface. It is the healing cells of the gums that will help to reattach gum tissue to the tooth. Think of the skin on your face. If you massage the skin on your face and create more circulation, then you are more likely to get a healthier and tighter appearance to your skin. The gum tissue is similar to the skin on your face in that both need proper products and massage. In Chinese medicine, natural blood-building tonics such as dong quai improve circulation. This can bring a healthy blood flow and stimulation to the gum tissue, and balance the female hormonal chemistry, which has a direct
correlation to the health of our gum tissue. If the gum tissue feels too sore when you first practice brush massage, then just proceed by rinsing frequently. In a day or two, when the tissue heals, you can begin massaging the gums again in order to bring the healing blood cells to the surface.
How to Start Caring for Your Gums at Home
Do not rush the process, or you will irritate the gums and cause more harm than good. If your gums bleed and you are
frightened to work on them because you think you may make the condition worse, seek the advice of a professional.
Bleeding gums can be a sign that there is disease still present. However, with a gentle massage, the healing blood cells
generally will surface to start reversing the disease naturally. Salt water and herbal rinses will help soothe any irritated tissue. Also, start taking a multiple vitamin B complex daily along with vitamin C. This will help in the natural healing
process of your gums. If you feel you are under a lot of stress (which is a major cause of gum disease), take a multiple
vitamin with zinc. Keep the gum pockets clean and gently floss. If you find that flossing is too hard at this point and
causes pain, then work only with oral rinses of herbs and salt. In a few days, when your gums feel stronger, you can
return to flossing.