Botanicals for Dental Care

Botanicals for Dental Care is a natural organic company that has been in business since 1980. We offer state of the art dental equipment and healthy dental products to our customers.

We’ve taken all the best natural ingredients and distilled them into a powerful botanical formula that helps prevent gum disease and the problems it can cause. From bleeding gums and receding gums, to plaque and tarter, botanicals are the most effective solution for dental care.

Botanicals For Dental Care is a complete line of herbal products which have been specially formulated to treat and prevent Periodontal disease. Some of the well established ingredients in my product line are Camellia oil, Peppermint oil, Lemon grass oil and spearmint oil

Heart full disease of the body

The heart is affected by gum disease!Are teeth connected to the health of your body?Many people are reading that bad root canals can alter the immune system and hinder the total health of your body. Any chronic infection puts a drain on the immune system.Do: go to a...

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Reversing Gum Disease can be done!

Alas! You have found the adult Tooth Fairy. I am Sandra Senzon, a dental hygiene pioneer.I'd like to bring you into my life. Yesterday, first patient for me was scared, heavy infection all over her mouth. The dentist offered Peri Dex (a prescriptive form of soap)...

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Welcome to Reversal of Gum Disease Blog

I’m Sandra Senzon owner of two Tooth Spa’s.  One in Manhattan and the other in Southampton NY.Welcome to my world!Yesterday a patient was petrified. She had a heavy handed dental hygienist previously. I calmed her down and treated her gums. She loved the all natural...

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The Tooth Fairy

There is a new tooth fairy and her name is Sandra Senzon, she is a dental hygienist who doesn't appear in your bedroom to collect your baby teeth; she is here to help you save your adult teeth. Implants and crowns can be very costly. So how does Sandra save your adult...

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