Spearmint Tooth Protector Polish (Airless Pump) Whitener


Spearmint 2oz
Spearmint Airless pump
Tooth Protector Polish



Spearmint 2oz
Spearmint Airless pump
Tooth Protector Polish/Whitener


Spearmint flavoring added to Camellia Oil Whitener adds a flavor everyone loves   Leaves Breath so fresh you feel like your in the Mountains.

Camellia Oil which is the base formula for my Tooth Whitener is an anti-oxident and has triple-phenols. The Ph stays balanced in your mouth  and prevents stripping of enamel that causes tooth pain.   Enamel is the protector of Pain.  Decay  can result if the Ph of the mouth get’s imbalanced.

You can apply my product all day; which is Most important because foods stain teeth. Example. Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, red cranberries, blueberries.  My product will inot strip enamel it will reduce inflammation of the Gums causing Gum diesease





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