Tooth Fairy City Children’s Books


This book will come autographed by Sandra Senzon (Toothfairy)

A motivational series of books for children to learn how to take care of their young adult teeth. The books define tooth relationship, hygiene and the importance of loving your teeth.

The book comes with free crayons. Tooth Fairy City is in the Museum in Dentistry in Maryland and features an educational story-line about a quadrant of the mouth with the creation of the characters Eric Molar, Mike Molar, Bari Bicuspid, Betty Bicuspid, Kenny Cuspid, Lenny Lateral and Cindy Central.



This book will come autographed by Sandra Senzon (Toothfairy)

A motivational series of books for children to learn how to take care of their young adult teeth. The books define tooth relationship, hygiene and the importance of loving your teeth.

The book comes with free crayons. Tooth Fairy City is in the Museum in Dentistry in Maryland and features an educational story about a quadrant of the mouth with the creation of the characters Eric Molar, Mike Molar, Bari Bicuspid, Betty Bicuspid, Kenny Cuspid, Lenny Lateral and Cindy Central.

I can personalize your book and have your children join Tooth Fairy City.

The city of choice is where the Tooth Fairy lives (New York City)

example: Bari Bicuspid the side tooth hates to work so she wonders off to the forbiden chocolate factory. Eric Miolar finds her in the forbidden chocolate pool  Her body is aching and develops a hole in it.  The teeth have to line up and Betty Bicuspid has to fill Bari Bicuspids space.  SO on an So on.


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