Reversing Gum Disease Naturally: A Holistic Home Care Program: A Holistics Home Care Program


This book will come autographed by Sandra Senzon (Toothfairy)

Do you dread losing your teeth? Reading this book will acquaint you with oral hygiene and help you learn what you can do to keep healthy gums and teeth…



This book will come autographed by Sandra Senzon (Toothfairy)

Do you dread losing your teeth? Reading this book will acquaint you with oral hygiene and help you learn what you can do to keep healthy gums and teeth

I wrote this book with empathy a simple read!  Understanding will lead you to success.  Most people need more control in the dental chair. My book will help you to do that.  I will also offer myself as a consultant to help yiou with all  your dental concerns.


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