The Hygiene Professional: A Partner in Dentistry


This book will come autographed by Sandra Senzon (Toothfairy)

In an era in which women are discovering increasing opportunities for career fulfillment, dental hygiene remains a restricted career path. Burnout is common; career change is frequent. In her premier text, RDH and entrepreneur Sandra Senzon shares her journey to personal and career self-fulfillment and suggests ways in which hygienists can become full-fledged business partners in dentistry through independent practice. Drawing on experts in the field and her own experiences, she demonstrates in practical, readable terms how hygienists can truly become full partners in dentistry! The text also features clinical procedures….



This book will come autographed by Sandra Senzon (Toothfairy)

In an era in which women are discovering increasing opportunities for career fulfillment, dental hygiene remains a restricted career path. Burnout is common; career change is frequent. In her premier text, RDH and entrepreneur Sandra Senzon shares her journey to personal and career self-fulfillment and suggests ways in which hygienists can become full-fledged business partner in dentistry through independent practice. Drawing on experts in the field and her own experiences, she demonstrates in practical, readable terms how hygienists can truly become full partners in dentistry! The text also features clinical procedures…he

She will act as a consultant to set up hygiene stations in the dental office of your choice.  You can than practice as an independent contractor..


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